The lonely tram ride

Stasi prison April 14, 1985


Riding the tram to the railway station.
I’m alone in here.
It’s Sunday.

Leipzig Tatra Tram 1985 - interior

Leipzig Tatra Tram 1985 - interior

The letter has three functions:
To give proof that my parents knew nothing.
To give account of what led me to this point.
To apologize for their suffering that I will inflict now.

I feel horrible for them.
But they won’t know for a couple of days.
It was not uncommon that I spent a couple of days with friends.

What’s the plan?
Take a train to Berlin.
Walk towards Checkpoint Charlie.
Lay down my ID card and demand passage.

THEY will arrest me.
THEY will punish me.
I will hunger strike in protest.
I have no idea where this will go.

I think about my best friends.
My girl friend.
I cry.

*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.
Jens Thieme

Playing hard, living loud, moving around fast, resting deep and enjoying it all.

This ends today


The monster that swallows me