How to Overcome Misbelief into Marketing?

No matter how convincing, there will always be one manager in the board room who needs additional convincing that marketing is a crucial business investment.


Here is comprehensive guide on overcoming the misbelief into marketing, specifically tailored for B2B marketing practitioners. In today's competitive business landscape, companies often face the dilemma of whether to invest in marketing or rely solely on their products' inherent value to drive sales. However, this misbelief can hinder growth and limit the success potential of even the most exceptional products. In this article, we will explore the challenges faced by B2B marketing practitioners in convincing top managers of the value and necessity of marketing, and present a compelling case supported by data and statistics. Let's embark on the journey of unlocking the true potential of marketing.

I. Understanding the Misbelief:

1.1 The "Product Sells Itself" Myth:

Many top managers believe that their products are so superior that they inherently sell themselves, rendering marketing efforts unnecessary. While having a great product is undoubtedly important, it is not sufficient to guarantee success in today's competitive marketplace.

1.2 Limitations of Relying Solely on Product Value:

- Differentiating from Competitors: Even if a product is exceptional, without effective marketing, potential customers may be unaware of its unique features and benefits compared to competitors.

- Building Brand Awareness: Marketing plays a crucial role in creating brand awareness, establishing credibility, and developing strong customer relationships.

- Educating the Market: Customers need to understand how a product solves their pain points, and marketing helps in effectively communicating the value proposition.

- Adapting to Market Trends: Marketing helps businesses stay relevant by understanding and responding to evolving customer needs and market trends.

II. Dispelling the Misbelief: The Value and Necessity of Marketing:

2.1 Marketing as a Revenue Driver:

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, companies that prioritize marketing and align it with sales efforts achieve significantly higher revenue growth compared to their competitors who neglect marketing initiatives. Marketing drives lead generation, customer acquisition, and ultimately, revenue growth.

2.2 ROI of Marketing Investments:

Contrary to popular belief, marketing is not a cost center but an investment that can yield substantial returns. Multiple studies have shown that companies that invest in marketing experience higher customer acquisition rates, increased customer lifetime value, and improved brand equity, leading to improved financial performance.

2.3 Market Share and Competitive Advantage:

Effective marketing strategies help businesses gain and maintain a competitive advantage in their industry. By consistently reaching and engaging target audiences, businesses can expand their market share, generate customer loyalty, and achieve sustainable growth.

III. Overcoming the Misbelief: Building a Convincing Case:

3.1 Aligning Marketing Objectives with Business Goals:

To overcome the misbelief, B2B marketing practitioners must align marketing objectives with the organization's overall business goals. By clearly demonstrating how marketing initiatives contribute to revenue growth, market share expansion, and customer satisfaction, practitioners can emphasize the value marketing brings to the table.

3.2 Educating Top Managers:

It is crucial to educate top managers about the multifaceted nature of marketing and how it encompasses more than just promotional activities. By highlighting the strategic role of marketing in market research, customer segmentation, product development, and pricing strategies, practitioners can showcase the broader impact marketing has on the entire organization.

3.3 Presenting Data and Metrics:

Utilize data-driven insights and metrics to support your case. Showcasing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as return on investment (ROI), customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLTV), and market share growth can demonstrate the measurable impact of marketing efforts on the organization's bottom line.


In conclusion, the misbelief that products sell themselves is a common hurdle faced by B2B marketing practitioners. However, the value and necessity of marketing cannot be underestimated. By dispelling the misbelief and presenting a compelling case supported by data and statistics, B2B marketing practitioners can pave the way for organizational growth and success. Here's what you can do to drive the change:

1. Organize a Slide Deck or Presentation:

Slide 1: Introduction

- Start with a compelling title slide that grabs attention and conveys the importance of the presentation.

- Keep the language simple and non-technical.

Slide 2: The Misbelief: "Products Sell Themselves"

- Introduce the common misbelief among top managers.

- Use a visually engaging image to support the content.

Slide 3: The Role of Marketing

- Explain the significance of marketing in driving business growth.

- Emphasize that marketing is not limited to promotional activities.

Slide 4: Aligning Marketing with Business Goals

- Highlight the importance of aligning marketing objectives with overall business goals.

- Showcase how marketing contributes to revenue growth and market share expansion.

Slide 5: Educating Top Managers

- Emphasize the need to educate top managers about the broader impact of marketing.

- Present key areas where marketing plays a strategic role.

Slide 6: Presenting Data and Metrics

- Showcase relevant data and statistics to support your arguments.

- Highlight key performance indicators (KPIs) such as ROI, CAC, CLTV, and market share growth.

Slide 7: Success Stories

- Share success stories or case studies that demonstrate the positive impact of marketing.

- Include real-world examples of companies that experienced growth through effective marketing strategies.

Slide 8: Overcoming Objections

- Address common objections or concerns raised by top managers.

- Provide persuasive counterarguments supported by data and success stories.

Slide 9: Benefits of Marketing Investment

- Summarize the benefits of investing in marketing, including revenue growth, competitive advantage, and market share expansion.

- Use visuals and graphs to illustrate the impact of marketing investments.

Slide 10: Conclusion and Call to Action

- Recap the main points discussed throughout the presentation.

- End with a compelling call to action, urging top managers to embrace the value of marketing and allocate resources accordingly.

Remember, the presentation should be visually appealing, concise, and easy to understand. Use images, charts, and graphs to support your message effectively.

By dispelling the misbelief and presenting a convincing case, B2B marketing practitioners can transform their organizations and unlock the true potential of marketing. Embrace the power of marketing, educate stakeholders, and watch your business thrive. It's time to invest in your marketing efforts and soar above the competition.

An Even More Convincing Presentation:

And even more precisely and specifically, here is a recommendation of a slide deck that you can use to convince the last person in the board room or even the crowd down the street that marketing is a crucial business function:

Slide 1: Introduction

Title: Unleashing the Power of Marketing: Why It Matters for Your Business

[Slide image: A vibrant image representing business growth or success]

Hello and welcome! Today, we're here to explore the untapped potential of marketing and understand why it is crucial for the success of your business.

Slide 2: The Misbelief: "Products Sell Themselves"

Title: The Common Misconception

[Slide image: A puzzled person with a question mark above their head]

Let's address a common misbelief: some managers think that great products sell themselves. However, relying solely on product quality is not enough to drive sustainable growth.

Slide 3: The Role of Marketing

Title: Going Beyond Product Features

[Slide image: A magnifying glass zooming in on a product]

Marketing encompasses a broad range of activities that go beyond promoting your product. It involves understanding customer needs, creating awareness, and building strong relationships with your target audience.

Slide 4: Aligning Marketing with Business Goals

Title: Marketing as a Strategic Driver

[Slide image: A roadmap with milestones]

To maximize the impact of marketing, it's important to align your marketing objectives with your business goals. Let's see how marketing contributes to revenue growth and market share expansion.

Slide 5: Case Study: Company X

Title: Achieving Remarkable Growth Through Marketing

[Slide image: Company X logo]

Consider the example of Company X. By implementing effective marketing strategies, they experienced a 30% increase in revenue within one year.

Slide 6: Educating Top Managers

Title: Broadening Perspectives

[Slide image: A group of people engaged in a discussion]

Let's take a moment to expand our understanding of marketing. It involves market research, customer segmentation, product development, and pricing strategies.

Slide 7: Case Study: Company Y

Title: Gaining Competitive Edge with Marketing

[Slide image: Company Y logo]

Take a look at Company Y. By investing in marketing efforts, they outperformed competitors and gained a 15% increase in market share.

Slide 8: Presenting Data and Metrics

Title: Measuring Success

[Slide image: A graph showing upward growth]

Metrics provide valuable insights into marketing's impact on your business. Let's explore some key performance indicators.

Slide 9: Return on Investment (ROI)

Title: Maximizing Your Marketing Investment

[Slide image: A hand holding money]

Companies that invest in marketing see a return on investment. On average, every $1 spent on marketing generates $5 in revenue.

Slide 10: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Title: Optimizing Acquisition Efforts

[Slide image: A target with arrows hitting the bullseye]

Understanding CAC helps you evaluate the cost-effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.

Slide 11: Case Study: Company Z

Title: Enhancing Customer Relationships

[Slide image: Company Z logo]

Company Z focused on customer retention and witnessed a 20% increase in customer lifetime value, resulting in higher profitability.

Slide 12: Market Share Growth

Title: Expanding Your Reach

[Slide image: A world map with expanding circles]

Marketing drives market share growth. By effectively reaching and engaging your target audience, you can expand your market presence.

Slide 13: Case Study: Company A

Title: Building Brand Awareness

[Slide image: Company A logo]

Company A invested in brand awareness campaigns and experienced a 40% increase in brand recognition within six months.

Slide 14: The Power of Marketing

Title: Transforming Your Business

[Slide image: A rocket taking off]

Marketing is not an expense; it's an investment that can transform your business. Let's recap the key takeaways:

1. Marketing goes beyond product features. It involves understanding customer needs, creating awareness, and building strong relationships.

2. Align your marketing objectives with your business goals for maximum impact.

3. Real-world examples show how marketing can drive remarkable growth and gain a competitive edge.

4. Data and metrics, such as ROI, CAC, and market share growth, provide measurable insights into marketing's effectiveness.

5. Investing in marketing generates a significant return on investment and helps optimize customer acquisition efforts.

6. By focusing on customer retention and building brand awareness, you can enhance customer relationships and expand your market presence.

Slide 15: Conclusion and Call to Action

Title: Embrace the Power of Marketing

[Slide image: A group of diverse people celebrating]

Now that we've explored the undeniable benefits of marketing, it's time to take action. Embrace the power of marketing and allocate resources to drive your business forward.

[Call to Action]

1. Evaluate your current marketing strategy and identify areas for improvement.

2. Invest in market research to understand your customers better.

3. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan aligned with your business goals.

4. Measure and track key performance indicators to gauge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

5. Seek professional expertise if needed to optimize your marketing strategy.

Remember, marketing is not a luxury but a necessity for sustainable growth. Embrace it, and watch your business soar to new heights!

Thank you for your time and attention.

[Contact information slide: Provide contact details for further inquiries or consultations]

Please note that the content of this presentation is simplified and uses non-technical language to cater to managers who may not be familiar with marketing concepts.